is in continuation from my previous post where I had explained how to
fetch data from SalesForce using the SOAP API. Now we are going to see how to do a
call using REST API.
User Name
Security Token (needed for the Api calls as the password is considered as password+security token)
Client Secret (Required for REST Call)
Client Id (Required for REST Call)
Call Back (This is required if we are authenticating from the web, else if we have a console application this could be some dummy value)
Sample Code:
Private Sub queryUsingRest()
Dim clientID As String = "clientID"
Dim clientSecret As String = "clientSecret"
Dim redirectURL As String = "callback:none"
Dim username As String = "username"
Dim password As String = "password"
Dim securityToken As String = "securityToken"
Dim URI As String =
Dim body As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
body.Append(("client_id=" _
+ (clientID + "&")))
body.Append(("client_secret=" _
+ (clientSecret + "&")))
body.Append(("username=" _
+ (username + "&")))
body.Append(("password=" _
+ (password + securityToken)))
'Post to authenticate and get the service token Dim result As String = HttpPost(URI, body.ToString)
'DeSerialize the JSON request to get the access_toen and instance url
Dim ser As JavaScriptSerializer = New JavaScriptSerializer
token = ser.Deserialize(Of TokenResponse)(result)
'Create the REST request
Dim query As String = "?q=SELECT Name, Id from Account"
'Query using rest
Dim results = HttpGet(token.instance_url + "/services/data/v27.0/query" + query, "")
Console.WriteLine("Results from the query - ")
End Sub
Public Function HttpGet(ByVal URI As String, ByVal Parameters As String) As String
Dim req As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(URI)
req.Method = "GET"
req.Headers.Add(("Authorization: OAuth " + token.access_token))
Dim resp As System.Net.WebResponse = req.GetResponse
If (resp Is Nothing) Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream)
Return sr.ReadToEnd.Trim
End Function
''' <summary>
Public Function HttpPost(ByVal URI As String, ByVal Parameters As String) As String
Dim req As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(URI)
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
req.Method = "POST"
' Add parameters to post
Dim data() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Parameters)
req.ContentLength = data.Length
Dim os As System.IO.Stream = req.GetRequestStream
os.Write(data, 0, data.Length)
'Do the post and get the response.
Dim resp As System.Net.WebResponse = req.GetResponse
If (resp Is Nothing) Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream)
Return sr.ReadToEnd.Trim
End Function
Add this class separately as this is used to Deserialize the Rest request
Public Class TokenResponse
Public id As String
Public issued_at As String
'Public refresh_token As String
Public instance_url As String
Public signature As String
Public access_token As String
End Class
User Name
Security Token (needed for the Api calls as the password is considered as password+security token)
Client Secret (Required for REST Call)
Client Id (Required for REST Call)
Call Back (This is required if we are authenticating from the web, else if we have a console application this could be some dummy value)
Create a
console application
In the
main class (Program.vb) add the below methods
Add a class
called TokenResponse as indicated below
Run the
console application , if everything is right you should have your results as
Sample Code:
Main method which performs the call to the REST service
''' <remarks></remarks>Private Sub queryUsingRest()
Dim clientID As String = "clientID"
Dim clientSecret As String = "clientSecret"
Dim redirectURL As String = "callback:none"
Dim username As String = "username"
Dim password As String = "password"
Dim securityToken As String = "securityToken"
Dim URI As String =
Dim body As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder
body.Append(("client_id=" _
+ (clientID + "&")))
body.Append(("client_secret=" _
+ (clientSecret + "&")))
body.Append(("username=" _
+ (username + "&")))
body.Append(("password=" _
+ (password + securityToken)))
'Post to authenticate and get the service token Dim result As String = HttpPost(URI, body.ToString)
'DeSerialize the JSON request to get the access_toen and instance url
Dim ser As JavaScriptSerializer = New JavaScriptSerializer
token = ser.Deserialize(Of TokenResponse)(result)
'Create the REST request
Dim query As String = "?q=SELECT Name, Id from Account"
'Query using rest
Dim results = HttpGet(token.instance_url + "/services/data/v27.0/query" + query, "")
Console.WriteLine("Results from the query - ")
End Sub
Used to perfrom the HTTP GET
<param name="URI"></param>
''' <remarks></remarks>Public Function HttpGet(ByVal URI As String, ByVal Parameters As String) As String
Dim req As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(URI)
req.Method = "GET"
req.Headers.Add(("Authorization: OAuth " + token.access_token))
Dim resp As System.Net.WebResponse = req.GetResponse
If (resp Is Nothing) Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream)
Return sr.ReadToEnd.Trim
End Function
''' <summary>
Used to post the HTTP request
<param name="URI"></param>
<param name="Parameters"></param>
''' <remarks></remarks> Public Function HttpPost(ByVal URI As String, ByVal Parameters As String) As String
Dim req As System.Net.WebRequest = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(URI)
req.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
req.Method = "POST"
' Add parameters to post
Dim data() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Parameters)
req.ContentLength = data.Length
Dim os As System.IO.Stream = req.GetRequestStream
os.Write(data, 0, data.Length)
'Do the post and get the response.
Dim resp As System.Net.WebResponse = req.GetResponse
If (resp Is Nothing) Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream)
Return sr.ReadToEnd.Trim
End Function
Add this class separately as this is used to Deserialize the Rest request
''' <summary>
Class used to deserialize the response object from
the REST call
''' <remarks></remarks>Public Class TokenResponse
Public id As String
Public issued_at As String
'Public refresh_token As String
Public instance_url As String
Public signature As String
Public access_token As String
End Class
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